Thursday, May 08, 2008

Where was I?

Where was I?

I was walking around like a cripple for several months. About ten weeks ago I started going to Physical Therapy(twice a week), for what I learned after x-rays last week is "Severe osteoarthritis of the right hip"(Too much, "I can do it myself" and carrying many babies on my hip, neither of which I regret!). At the same time I was doing Oprah's online class on "The New Earth". The rest of what has been going on with me, I determined, was pretty much, whine, whine, whine and I chose not to share it with you. So, I have been posting secondhand stuff or not at all. I'm sure you can tell.

I am making a change.


  1. What's with falling apart in our old age... hmf :)

    (this is Lucky, by the way)

  2. Carrying babies must be the reason my right hip's worse than the left. Oh well, it was worth it.

    Glad you're back with us again xx

  3. My hips hurt too. But the baby was so cute.


A pony for your thoughts.