Saturday, January 05, 2008

Happy Birthday

To My Husband

And to my son-in-law.

Because of New Years Eve,my husband has had to work six days in a row, when he usually works four. He would be working today, though, if he hadn't had to do that. We will be going out to his restaurant of choice for dinner tonight. Work wife (if you remember her) made him a beautiful cake and gave it to him Wednesday(she used to do cakes professionally), before she left for a trip with her family to Texas. It is as delicious as foreplay! Chocolate with a creamy filling, chocolate mousse frosting and then covered in a dark chocolate genache(well, I couldn't find how to spell that), decorated beautifully.

He also received his gifts early; two tricky folding sawhorses, because they were what he wanted and on sale.

His mommy just called to wish him a happy birthday. So things are looking good.


  1. I'm glad things are looking rosy.

    Happy 2008!

  2. Happy Birthday, Luckyzdad! (?)

    Ganache, BTW - not that it matters.

  3. That cake sounds divine.

    Happy Birthday to them both.

  4. He was just delighted that jenn, z and meno would think of him. Thanks!)

  5. Um, AND his little girl :o)

    So I guess y'all aren't flooded out of your home? That'd suck on daddy's birthday.

  6. lucky-you hadn't called yet, when I posted.


A pony for your thoughts.